Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Deeper into the Rabbit Hole

The highlight of my Tuesday was when I posted an entry on the knot message board and there were 12 comments (including two responses by me to questions). Pretty much just a random "here! look at the cute shoes I found" post, but it only takes 16 post to get a star ("popular post") and I almost did it. ha ha. Someone smack me upside the head.

That said, it seems the root of my problem is slightly deeper than just my crazy planning habits. Part of it stems from the fact that during the day, most of my friends in CA are at work (well, so are these girls), so they're not actually free to even chat online.

So I've realized two main things: 1) I really am pretty lonely up here and 2) I am definitely an OC girl at heart. There's just so much more relatable stuff (even non-wedding related) that I find I have in common with these girls than with the girls I have met here in New York. I panicked yesterday when filling out online job apps and the knotties helped. I celebrated my shoes with the knotties. I might even go to their December GTG (get together) if I'm in town.

I guess I'm officially in the Rabbit Hole. Don't know what kind of world I'm getting myself into, but I'm sure the adventures will be numerous.


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