Friday, October 13, 2006
Persona Surprisa
So yes, I was again watching my addictive morning news show, Good Morning America. Today's first guest (or maybe second) was the prolific author, Danielle Steele.
Now, I've never read any of her novels, and maybe it's just her name, but I always thought of her books are romance-y. Are they? Who knows. Anyways. The woman has written 96 books in 38 years (insanity) and raised nine (yes, NINE) children, I think on her own. She's just released a fragrance called "Danielle," and was on the show promoting that.
For those that read the fashion rags (yes, I meant to say rags not mags) you will sometimes see several girls (among those same-named socialites no one has ever really heard of) named Victoria and Vanessa Traina. They're most commonly referred to as Danielle Steele's daughters (if that can be a claim to fame). They've been likened to the Hilton sisters, or perhaps the Bush twins, but the point is they are young, relatively pretty, and disgustingly rich. And they like to party. And I think some magazine somewhere said they had style, but I couldn't tell from the photo.
Danielle Steele herself, however, is not a partyer. Writing at least two books per year (and her books are not short), and raising nine children has apparently kept her from most social interaction. That said, her appearance on television this morning left much to be desired. The woman, dressed in all black with her hair pulled completely off her face, could barely be heard even through the microphones. Poor Robin Roberts (this is the only time you'll ever hear me say that) kept trying to drag stuff out of her, but the woman wouldn't talk. Not what I expected (how about you?) from a woman whose writings have been drugstore checkout fixtures for longer than I've been alive.
So apparently the message today was she is not only a "great" writer (although "Toxic Bachelors" sounds hilarious), but she is involved deeply in philanthropic work, especially with the mental disorders. Although it wasn't made explicit, Roberts seemed like she was implying that Steele's son (or one of Steele's sons) lives with it, which has fueled his mother's passion.
One fun thing about Danielle Steele when she did choose to talk was her poetic ways. Maybe it's just writers in general (we do have a way with words). Roberts said something about Steele being "obviously fond" of her children. Steele's reply: "I'm not so much fond of my children as I am passionate about them." Maybe she does write romances.
It's interesting to see how people who don't normally sit in front of a camera act when they are placed in front of one. We had two PR reps (Heidi Klum's and Ron Perelman's) come speak to our class last night, and they were very enlightening about how the whole process works. This morning when I was watching television, all I could think about during Laura Linney's interview was 1)how beautiful she is and 2) what other marks does she have to hit to stay within her contract in her film? Interesting. Danielle Steele may have similar clauses, since she is out promoting her new fragrance, but she definitely seems content to sit at home in front of her 1940s-era typewriter (no, I didn't make that up), and perhaps we like her best there, too.
Now, I've never read any of her novels, and maybe it's just her name, but I always thought of her books are romance-y. Are they? Who knows. Anyways. The woman has written 96 books in 38 years (insanity) and raised nine (yes, NINE) children, I think on her own. She's just released a fragrance called "Danielle," and was on the show promoting that.
For those that read the fashion rags (yes, I meant to say rags not mags) you will sometimes see several girls (among those same-named socialites no one has ever really heard of) named Victoria and Vanessa Traina. They're most commonly referred to as Danielle Steele's daughters (if that can be a claim to fame). They've been likened to the Hilton sisters, or perhaps the Bush twins, but the point is they are young, relatively pretty, and disgustingly rich. And they like to party. And I think some magazine somewhere said they had style, but I couldn't tell from the photo.
Danielle Steele herself, however, is not a partyer. Writing at least two books per year (and her books are not short), and raising nine children has apparently kept her from most social interaction. That said, her appearance on television this morning left much to be desired. The woman, dressed in all black with her hair pulled completely off her face, could barely be heard even through the microphones. Poor Robin Roberts (this is the only time you'll ever hear me say that) kept trying to drag stuff out of her, but the woman wouldn't talk. Not what I expected (how about you?) from a woman whose writings have been drugstore checkout fixtures for longer than I've been alive.
So apparently the message today was she is not only a "great" writer (although "Toxic Bachelors" sounds hilarious), but she is involved deeply in philanthropic work, especially with the mental disorders. Although it wasn't made explicit, Roberts seemed like she was implying that Steele's son (or one of Steele's sons) lives with it, which has fueled his mother's passion.
One fun thing about Danielle Steele when she did choose to talk was her poetic ways. Maybe it's just writers in general (we do have a way with words). Roberts said something about Steele being "obviously fond" of her children. Steele's reply: "I'm not so much fond of my children as I am passionate about them." Maybe she does write romances.
It's interesting to see how people who don't normally sit in front of a camera act when they are placed in front of one. We had two PR reps (Heidi Klum's and Ron Perelman's) come speak to our class last night, and they were very enlightening about how the whole process works. This morning when I was watching television, all I could think about during Laura Linney's interview was 1)how beautiful she is and 2) what other marks does she have to hit to stay within her contract in her film? Interesting. Danielle Steele may have similar clauses, since she is out promoting her new fragrance, but she definitely seems content to sit at home in front of her 1940s-era typewriter (no, I didn't make that up), and perhaps we like her best there, too.
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yup, her claim to fame is romance novels. and Vanessa Traina did those dolled up hello kitty things which were popular a while ago, no?
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