Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hello my name is...

So I went to the dark side last night. Madame X, a small bar tucked away off of busy Houston Street down near SoHo. It was a "Quiet Party," a stronghold in the silent dating world (yes, I will keep explaining).

Yes, Kevin and I are still together and no, I didn't meet anyone. Just part of the adventures of a journalism student trying to get a multi-faceted story. Enter "A," a pick-up artist with his own school to teach others. Been trying to get a hold of him to see him "in action" all weekend, but the late hours aren't exactly meshing with my schedule, and the quiet party is right after work, so I hit it up.

I walk up to the bar's black front, red lettering on the sign and red lights blaring from inside. Walk down a few steps and into the door, glancing at the sign that tells me how to get upstairs to the quiet part. Downstairs, the music blasts and talk flows freely. Two men in all black, the guys running the quiet party, stand outside the door to the stairs, and get my cover charge before I head upstairs.

Once through the door, talk stops and the music is soft and jazzy. First thing I see is the bar, and I'm relieved. I grab a beer and sit on down. Two seconds later, three index cards are handed to me with various greetings and introductions. Too bad I can't remember who they're from. One was from the guy sitting closest, so I jot down a reply and hand it back. I reply on the other two cards as well, but leave them sitting on the table, where they wallow away all night.

It was as I expected - the guys there were explicably single, and the girls not so much so. As in most laid-back bars I've been to, the average male age was a good 5 to 10 years older than the average female age. After the first two seconds I lost my appeal (thank goodness), and was able to sit back and watch these two other girls juggling five conversations at a time.

A came in a few minutes after I, and we "talked" through most of the event before leaving around 8:45. In the meantime, he got two numbers and danced a bit with one girl in the middle of the room. Interesting. He had his normal light-up necklace on, and was at least 5 years younger than any other guy in the room, so he was kept busy (and when he didn't he tried to look like it).

Two beers and nearly two hours later, finally headed out for some real food and going home. Woke up at 5:30 am with a pounding headache, popped in the tylenol and conked back out. Yes, I am a lightweight. But at least I'm not a regular at quiet parties.


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